Sunday, September 14, 2008

twirling to the djembe

it's near midnight. people packed in so close, you can hardly move. twirling in a friend's arms. it's like everything has gone still. except for drum beat. its pulsing rhythm connects with your pounding heart and feet. colors fly around you. you want to laugh. cry. hoping this moment lasts forever. your heart sings. overflowing with the beauty of music and dancing and friendship. the beauty of being alive. how else can i describe contra? last night was amazing. anam cara, the band, was incredible. they had a swing texture mixed with celtic and bluegrass tunes. the trumpet sang along with guitars, fiddles, percussion...i danced with some of my best friends and we were just loving life together. times like this makes me so appreciative of the gift of living. and also thankful for such wonderful friends. after contra, robert, sarah, and i drove by lowes to pick up some ice cream and met up with erin, matt ward, matt foster, and al. we ate ice cream around our kitchen table and just talked. laughed. i love how my friends and i are like family, we are so comfortable and can just support each other and laugh and just "be." so blessed. wanting to learn and trust Christ. knowing He has a plan and wanting to fall more in love with Him and be molded by Him. serving. finding my place. pouring out love.

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